In mid-2013, two Rhodes College sophomores (James Ekenstedt and Evan Katz) launched Memphis' first "street newspaper", which is dedicated to raising awareness around issues of homelessness and poverty in the city. This monthly publication is completely directed by students, features content written by homeless and poverty-stricken Memphians, and provides a sustainable source of income for contributors and vendors, who are typically also homeless. The Bridge is distributed solely on the streets by independently contracted homeless vendors who keep the profit from the papers they sell.
The Bridge typically has approximately 50 active homeless vendors who they interview, train, and certify to be vendors. The vendors get 20 free copies of each new issue the week it comes out, and 10 free issues for just showing up at distribution (if they've already gotten their 20 free). Vendors can purchase even more papers just 25 cents each, which they sell for $1 each, and the vendor gets to keep the profit. There are also more rewards for vendors who purchase additional papers to sell, including bus passes. With no experience needed and a strict no-discrimination policy, literally any homeless or poverty-stricken individual can learn to be a vendor.
The ability to earn a salary, however small, is vital for members of the homeless population, as many homeless shelters in our city charge individuals as much as $10 per night to sleep in their facility - not to mention the need to purchase food and other necessities.
My mother and I were driving west on Sam Cooper Blvd, headed to dinner one Saturday night a few weeks ago. Getting off at the Perkins exit, we noticed a young African-American man sitting in the dark, He was balled up, trying to protect himself from the cold, while holding up a copy of The Bridge street newspaper to sell. So, we pulled over to talk to him.
The man's name was Micheal. He was in his mid-twenties. He explained that he was trying to sell papers so he could earn enough money to be able to stay in a shelter that night, as it was very cold. We had almost no cash on us, but were able to give him $1 for the paper and $1 for a tip. This left him needing $3 more. Though we didn't have anymore cash, we fortunately had a homeless care packet / goody bag (see http://kindmemphis.blogspot.com/2016/02/january-8-2016-random-act-of-kindness-1.html) in my car (containing food, toiletries, etc), and a warm scarf one of my friends had made for this very purpose. I'm pretty sure I've never been thanked for anything as many times as my mother and I were thanked that night by this man!
I don't know if Michael was able to earn the remaining $3 he needed to stay in a shelter that night, but I pray so. And wherever Michael is now, I wish him the very best.
If you see someone selling this paper, please be kind enough to purchase one, or two, or three. Just a few dollars can very literally be the difference between sleeping in an outdoor environment frought with dangers or safe and warm inside, snug in a bed.
Also, please conside donating to The Bridge, and help support this wonderful opportunity they continuiously provide to our homeless community. (http://thememphisbridge.com/)
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